Шантелла Джексон

Шантелла Джексон, США, Sugar Land

Биография Шантеллы

Шантелла Джексон проживает в городе Sugar Land, США. Рождена в год Лошади по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Близнецы. В настоящий момент Шантелле 35 лет. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании.

Страна: США
Город: Sugar Land
Родной город:
Возраст: 35 лет
Дата рождения: 29 мая 1990
Знак зодиака: Близнецы, год Лошади
Семейное положение:

Шантелла пишет о себе

I apologize in advance: I don't like talking about myself a lot, but I LOVE talking about things I like because they make me have a good feeling ^_^ this is about to be one heck of a read, you have been warned. Yes, so I am otaku of many things, not just the standard "anime otaku" so beware XD I am obsessed with InuYasha. I am a schediaphile (I've been this way my whole life, didn't know it had a name until years later). And Naraku-sama and Link are my husbands so yeah. And Bankotsu, Ed and Al are mine on the side and no I don't like to share (as you can see I am a strange individual lol). But I'm serious, I've been married to Naraku-sama for eleven years; and then Link for two because Naraku-sama "died" but then came back to life later on so I kept them both, this is not a joke, I am actually being so serious right now. So I also love yaoi (lol, not for "those" reasons, but because for some reason it just heals pieces of my soul as I read;they don't stay healed so I read to re-heal them), shotakon (animated only; no "real" people. I will not victimize someone. And yes, I like it shamelessly. I am not entirely sure what the laws are in Russia about this, so of course I'm not going to discuss it in any groups etc. until I know for sure; I merely put this here so people know who I am.) music, comics (Lezhin is what I've been addicted to lately, if it wasn't for Killing Stalking I would never know about it! Thank you Koogi!) And for as long as I can remember I am EXTREMELY obsessed with voice actors. ALL KINDS. I love to know who all they voice, what years, their birthdays, if they are a dub voice then if they dubbed a character by the same voice actor more than once *ahem* Richard/Yamaguchi, Eren Jaeger/Meliodas's voices, hehe. Oh and speaking of Yaoi, I have straight ships, but I ship my male characters and I ship them hard, like Levi and Eren, Karma and Nagisa, Karma and Okuda, I ship Ciel with myself though lol (although the Sebby x Ciel isn't so bad either). I love stand-up comedy and funny youtube videos. I am bilingual (English and Japanese); both I have spoken since I could first talk, and both are not 100% yet although my vocabulary in English far exceeds my Japanese (my Japanese grammar and pronunciation is better than my English, minus the mistakes I make with particles.) And I just really love talking about the things I love. I'm extremely open about the abuse I went through when I was younger and the bullying etc. (I was gonna write it here like I normally do, but for some reason I got nervous. That's odd of me. EDIT: No, I'll say it. I was raped and molested from age seven until years later, and sold around. I am also schizophrenic. And that is not everything, just a little bit of what happened. I struggle, but I am okay, it helps to write it out so I often do.) As a matter of fact, my fanfiction end up being one of the biggest ways I cope, because many of the characters I write are tortured or assaulted very graphically, and it isn't because it's a fetish, but because I write what I've been through and it helps me channel those feelings into the stories. I will openly talk about it. Okay, I wrote a lot, sorry. I don't feel like it anymore XD. I wrote the last paragraph first because it just is always something I have to put down as well.


Voice actors (in any language, but especially anyone from Funimation or Viz), music, anime, comics (America, Japanese and Korean mostly, but any kind)


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, штат Техас, Sugar Land.

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Однофамильцы Шантеллы Джексон

Джексон Майкл

США, Los Angeles

29 августа 1958
Джексон Денис

Россия, Новосибирск

16 октября 2000
Джексон Алекс

США, Los Angeles

3 октября 1981
Джексон Зарина

Россия, Ростов-на-Дону

24 февраля 1990