Keith Foster

Keith Foster, США, Washington, D.C.

Биография Keith

Keith Foster проживает в городе Washington, D.C., США. Рожден в год Кролика по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Телец. В настоящий момент Keith 62 года, не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании.

Страна: США
Город: Washington, D.C.
Родной город:
Возраст: 62 года
Дата рождения: 24 апреля 1963
Знак зодиака: Телец, год Кролика
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Keith пишет о себе

I am just an easy going person who has a kind heart and appreciate everything about life. I am not much sort of a stylish person, likes to dress well and maintain a nice appearance. I try to eat healthy as I do believe in looking out for yourself and not depend on pills for a quick remedy. I am a person who have compassion for others and would like to meet someone of the same nature. I am not one who likes confrontations or fights as I believe that there is never any winners, so I try to be always mild tempered and would rather have a mature discussion to solve an issue. I am not the type of person to stand out in public to get attention, I am more the shy type but once you get to know me you will find an easy outgoing person who just want to have fun and enjoy life. I believe in a relationship based upon trust, loyalty and faithfulness. I value friendship and don´t keep friends who are users. I believe in honesty and in someone who is sincere,not a phony, not into lies or games nor someone disrespectful.


I like decorating and gardening and don´t mind cooking. I like to socialize and meet people. I love animals, I have 2 dogs and 2 cats, so yes I am an animal lover, no spiders or snakes or creepy reptiles. I enjoy taking long drives just site seeing, stopping at tourist places, the shops, going paddling in a small boat along a river just admiring the nature of it all, going to a zoo and feed the animals. I couldn't´t mind trying new things as long as it doesn´t involved doing anything crazy or dangerous, don´t have the desire for that insulin rush.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, округ Колумбия, Washington, D.C..

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Однофамильцы Keith Foster

Foster Yelena

США, Albuquerque

6 февраля 1983
Foster Adam

США, England

2 июля 1998
Foster Rendell

США, San Francisco

18 января 1997
Foster Agatha

Бразилия, Rio de Janeiro

7 сентября 1993