Misaki Fukazawa

Misaki Fukazawa, Канада

Биография Misaki

Страна: Канада
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Misaki пишет о себе

× Personal Information: Misaki Fukazawa | 02285 Age: 20 Class: Norm Occupation: Freelance Writer Residency: Erelalle Hills Face claim: Satomi Ishihara Background: On April 4th, 2008 an assassination took place, killing Ferdeko’s CEO and his wife in their home. The eldest daughter of three then took on the role of her Father as CEO, leading the company’s people at the age of 20. Everything was well, and in 2014 the company survived one of the biggest market crashes in history, even able to take down 6 other corporations in the process. After the collapse, Project ‘Code’ started taking over, changing the lives of many, including Ferdeko. In those next 6 years of running, it became a struggle for the company to settle into the new world, and the company finally hit its limit. In 2020, Ferdeko shut down, along with the sudden disappearance of the CEO. This is Nao Tanabe’s story. 5 years later to the disappearance of the CEO, a new face appears. Misaki Fukazawa, 20, has started attending Euclid University. Due to lack of knowledge in the writing field, Misaki was forced into university in hopes that her skills would improve without the help of her usual method, upgrades. Stuck to following the usual ways of a norm, she finds herself rooming with other members from the university in a condo, due to the lacking percent she earns. Never wanting to interact with her roommates, she found herself either locked in her room or at a café with her book that she plans to write in someday. Even if she had wanted to interact, they were all too loud for her anyway, making it hard to communicate with any of them due to her disability. But even without friends to chat with, she had her shoes which she bought at least once a week, filling her room up. And finally living a carefree life, she finds herself touring everywhere. But what got her in this situation to begin was due to Nao Tanabe, her previous identity. Nao, who had begun to obsess over the creation of ‘Code’ had become what people called a ‘Special’. Though, the name being seemingly glorified, it was only another term for addiction to upgrades. Rather than working her way to become a better leader, she cheated, increasing her skills to unimaginable measures. And finally, at the age of 30, sacrificed her life for immortality. With no interests in the company’s struggles, she, without any thought, shut down the company herself so she no longer had to ‘work’. Once able to grasp what she had just done, it had been too late. 2 years later, in hopes to change the direction her life had gone, with the help of her personal Patcher; her only friend, she was able to transform herself into a completely new person. This included a new chip programming a new identity as Misaki Fukazawa and a reversal of her age. However, due to its complexity, it came with side effects such as being deaf in her left ear; vision damage; unable to move her left pointer finger; and leaving small but visible scars on her wrist. With no actual percent to transfer after the crash, her Patcher, made her sign an agreement into taking her privileges in getting her chip upgraded and leading a normal life as a norm. Personality: With the help of the upgrades she had given herself, she would have been considered intelligent and very skilled in many activities. However, no longer having any upgrades, with the little she learned herself, the only strong points Misaki would have are business related due to her fathers teachings, and her slight attitude. With her new face, she would seem to be more approachable, but people like to distance themselves from her since when she does talk, it always comes out as rude or demanding. Even so, her softer side would show from time to time when talking about/with something she admires. × Typist Information: Writing Style: Para/Script (either one) Timezone: EST, UTC: -5 Dis

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Однофамильцы Misaki Fukazawa

Fukazawa Shouhey

Япония, Fukuoka

16 мая 1994
Fukazawa Marcio

Бразилия, São Paulo

дата рождения не указана