Анна Гилберт (Пирс)

Анна Гилберт (Пирс), США, Atlanta

Биография Анны

Анна Гилберт проживает в городе Atlanta, США. Родной город - Москва. Девичья фамилия (фамилия до вступления в брак) - Пирс. Рождена в год Быка по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Козерог. В настоящий момент Анне 28 лет, не замужем. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании, родственниках.

Страна: США
Город: Atlanta
Родной город: Москва
Возраст: 28 лет
Дата рождения: 9 января 1997
Знак зодиака: Козерог, год Быка
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не замужем

Анна пишет о себе

Birthday 09 January 1989 canadian actress of Bulgarian origin, known for her role as Elena Gilbert and Katherine pierce in the TV series "the vampire Diaries" BIOGRAPHY born January 9, 1989 in Sofia, Bulgaria in the family of ordinary programmer and artist. The girl was the second child in the family. At the moment of its appearance, the young couple already had a son. When she was two years old, the family Dobrev moved to Canada and settled in Toronto, Canada. Even as a child, Nina showed interest in the various arts: dance, gymnastics, theatre, music, visual arts and acting. Initially the girl was studying in a completely normal school J. B. Tyrrell Sr. Public School, then went to art school – Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts, where he realized that being an actress is her calling. Later, Nina enrolled in acting school Dean Armstrong, and was noticed by many agencies. Nina loves to travel and has often visited Europe, as represented Canada at the Olympic games in gymnastics. She loves to play volleyball, soccer, swimming, rock climbing, snowboarding and horse riding. After Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts Nina enrolled at Ryerson University in sociology, but left teaching in 2008 to seriously promote my acting career. Like most actors Nina started as a model and filming in commercials. This work was the first step towards a successful acting. The first breakthrough Nina on TV can be considered the role of the young mother MIA Jones in the popular canadian teen drama "Degrassi: the Next generation". MIA Jones is a young girl who tries to live a normal life of a teenager, but yet to raise my child. As later admitted herself an actress she has prepared for this role: "I walked a huge number of web sites which talk about teen pregnancy," says Nina, "I Read many stories of girls who had to go through all the difficulties that had to go through and my character. This sense of alienation, all the talk, rumors and condemnation from people... It's not easy." On "Degrassi" Nina didn't stop. Along with the filming of the series, the actress began to appear in various films. In the beginning it had small roles in films such as "Away from her" or "How she move". But gradually, the Directors begin to notice the talent of a young girl and begins to trust her and leading roles. In 2007, there have been several films in which Nina played a major role. These were: war drama "Love on the front line", Comedy, "Too young for marriage", drama, "Pieces" and the Thriller "the two-Faced killer". They were followed by a couple of roles in different TV series and several movies such as the horror film "the wolfman" and the musical "American alley". In recent Nina showed not only acting, but singing talent. The real breakthrough for Nina on Television is the role of Elena Gilbert in the hit TV series "the vampire Diaries", loosely based on the eponymous series of novels by writer Lisa Jane Smith which tells the story of a girl named Helena, by the will of fate caused the mortal combat of brothers-vampires. The series immediately won the hearts of millions of viewers, and Nina from an unknown actress has become one of the most popular Actresses of television.


music dancing and much more


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Джорджия, Atlanta.

Среднее образование:


Вова, дедушка/бабушка
Ира, отец/мать
Митя, отец/мать
Ник, брат/сестра
Татьяна, дедушка/бабушка

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Однофамильцы Анны Гилберт

Гилберт Елена

Россия, Москва

7 февраля 1992
Гилберт Елена

Россия, Москва

8 апреля 1990
Гилберт Елена

США, Atlanta

22 июня 1992
Гилберт Милена

Украина, Киев

7 декабря 1991