Robert Gray

Robert Gray, США, Los Angeles

Биография Robert

Robert Gray проживает в городе Los Angeles, США. Рожден в год Кролика по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Козерог. В настоящий момент Robert 62 года, не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем образовании, службе в армии.

Страна: США
Город: Los Angeles
Родной город:
Возраст: 62 года
Дата рождения: 1 января 1963
Знак зодиака: Козерог, год Кролика
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Robert пишет о себе

Ex-Naval Logistics/Finance/Industrialis/EngineeringMgmt Officer, IT/Mgmt Consultant, Government Whistleblower and Technologist/Inventor/Entrepreneur. I've been called a Genius; and I probably qualify as a Polymath. I'm looking to work in RUS, DEU, and my native Japan, since I've run into too many miscreant groups here in the USA. Most were first encountered (miscreants) while I was a Naval Officer; but I've noticed that several Cult types kept showing up and intruding upon my Life Activities. With much Soul Searching, I've concluded that these are Cults, Criminal Miscreants, Plagiarizers, Pillagers, and Slanderers who profiteered from my earlier work. Foreign Intelligence Entities (AUS, ZAF, BEL, DNK, POL, ISR, SGP, HKG, TWN,PHI, and VAT) - or those who claim their involvement appear to abound. Stalkers have mentioned Search Warrants, Patriot Act / NSA / CIA / Department of Defense Letters as a means of violating my Privacy, Civil Liberties, ability to Sue/Prosecute, and micromanaging my Life. As any multi-lingual and multi-talented rational person with some courage would do, I decided to go abroad to work - in countries where these games cant' be played very well from the USA. Govt/Corporate Corruption and Malfeasance is starting to overflow in many places here. Ex-Christian (31 Year History). Read a good deal, stalked and interfered by Proselytizing and Exploitative Cults/Failed Religions/Ideological Extremists/Miscreants. While studying Judaism, came across several sites that looked into the origins of the Xian Gospels. My Conclusions are; 1) Christianity (Xianity for short) was created in the 4th Century CE (Christian Era, instead of AD or Common Era) by Constantine of Rome and Associates. Main Figure was co-opted from Mithraism, Attis, Horus/Isis, Buddha, and Dionysus/Zeus - fashioned as a "wrapper" to supersede and replace Judaism as their "Messiah". Other inputs include Gnostic Writings and the "Chrestus" (meaning good/useful) Cults. Earliest claimed writings point to Chrestus, not Christ. 2) There is no Gospel written prior to the 4th Century. No detailed mention of Jesus and his (Eyewitness) Believers by Roman writers of the 1st/2nd Century. Josephus' Entries were forged (and also written post 4thCE). Why? AD01 was decided by a Monk in the 6thCE - who arbitrarily backtracked the "Incarnation Date" from where he thought the World was in were in the Xian Worldview Timeline of that Period. A Timeline, ironically, where every Xian Event should have been accomplished Centuries prior to the Present. Obviously, the events never happened; and those who truly honor the Creator - by favoring Justice, Righteousness, and Peace - to do so in another manner. Interesting Precepts and Concepts shared by many Religions and Spiritualists will not go unheeded. I'm just going to avoid all the debunked Cults who so desperately need a Propaganda Scheme to assert their stance. Hence one of the reasons why Cults(Mormons, Jehovah's Witness, Seventh Day Adventists, Quakers, Moonies, Calvary Chapel, Baptists, Christian Science, FreeMasons, Gay Catholics (stalking, mostly, even though I ignore them), JewsforJesus, Chabad/Masorti/Mitzrahi Jewish, Scientology, Soka Gakka (Soka Studies), and Failed Religions (like the Money Laundering Concern and Paedophile/Pederasty laden, Law Enforcement Obstructing Roman Catholic Church) tend to be in my face for one reason or another - backing their Racketeers.


Post-Christian Ethical/Moral Theism and Spirituality


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Калифорния, Los Angeles.

Высшее образование:


United States Naval Academy, США, Los Angeles

Факультет: Division of Mathematics and Science

Кафедра: Mathematics

Статус: Студент (бакалавр), Очное отделение

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University of Virginia, США, Charlottesville

Факультет: Darden School of Business

Кафедра: Business Administration

Статус: Студент (магистр), Очное отделение

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Однофамильцы Robert Gray

Gray Alex

Беларусь, Барановичи

3 января 1997
Gray Dorian

Россия, Саратов

27 июля 1987
Gray Alyona

Россия, Санкт-Петербург

2 августа 2000
Gray Alessio

Италия, Milano

23 февраля 1989