Paige Halliwell-Mitchell (Matthews)

Paige Halliwell-Mitchell (Matthews)

Биография Paige

Родной город - San Francisco. Девичья фамилия (фамилия до вступления в брак) - Matthews. Семейное положение Paige: замужем. Знак зодиака Скорпион. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о карьере, родственниках.

Родной город: San Francisco
Дата рождения: 31 октября
Знак зодиака: Скорпион
Семейное положение: состоит в браке
супруг: Henry Mitchell, возраст 36 лет, родился 14 мая 1989 года, знак зодиака Телец

Paige пишет о себе

"Magic may work in mysterious ways, but it always works." —Paige speaking of magic.[src] Paige Matthews is the youngest sister of the Charmed Ones. She is the wife of Henry Mitchell and the mother of their children, Tamora, Kat Mitchell, and their adopted son Henry Junior. Paige was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Matthews after she was left at a local church shortly after her birth. She met her half-sisters, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell, in 2001 after the death of her eldest sister Prue Halliwell. As the daughter of a witch and a Whitelighter, Paige is the Charmed One with the most powers, despite being the youngest and last sister to come into her Charmed legacy. Her powers include telekinetic orbing, orbing, healing, and the ability to generate an Orb Shield. Additionally, she also possesses the basic powers of a witch: The ability to cast spells, brew potions, scry for lost objects or people, and divine for information, along with other typical Whitelighter-powers. Furthermore, Paige can access The Power of Three, the collective power of the Charmed Ones that enhances their powers. Besides her duties as a Charmed One, Paige is a full-time Whitelighter, and works as a recruiter for Magic School. "So, that's why we had to - why we decided... to give the baby up. Sam and I took her to a local church as soon as she was born. And we asked the nun there to find a home for her, and she found one. A very, very good home" —Patty to Piper and Phoebe, on how she and Sam left Paige[src] The blanket in which Paige was wrapped the night she was left Paige was born on August 2nd, 1977 to Patty Halliwell. Unlike the first three daughters Patty had with her mortal husband Victor Bennett, Paige was fathered by Patty's whitelighter, Sam Wilder. Patty initially wanted to keep the baby and raise her along with Prue, Piper and Phoebe, however, in those days, it was not only forbidden, but unthinkable for a witch and a whitelighter to be romantically involved. By this time, Patty and her mother, Penny, had known for at least two years that Patty's daughters were destined to become the Charmed Ones; witches destined to be bestowed with great power and the duty to protect the innocent. Penny feared that the Elders would deny the girls their birthright if they ever found out about Patty and Sam's affair. Patty and Sam decided to give the baby up for adoption.

Работа и карьера:

Charmed / Зачарованные

Half Witch - Half Whitelighter

Годы работы: по 2015

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Piper Wyatt-Halliwell, сестра возраст 29 лет, родилась 13 июля 1996 года, знак зодиака Рак
Kat Mitchell, дочь возраст 37 лет, родилась 12 февраля 1988 года, знак зодиака Водолей
Phoebe Wyatt-Halliwell, сестра возраст 37 лет, родилась 13 мая 1988 года, знак зодиака Телец
Prue Wyatt-Halliwell, сестра возраст 37 лет, родилась 24 июня 1988 года, знак зодиака Рак
Henry Mitchell Jr., сын возраст 38 лет, родился 24 сентября 1987 года, знак зодиака Весы
Allen Halliwell, дедушка/бабушка
Patricia Halliwell, отец/мать
Penny Halliwell, дедушка/бабушка
Sam Wilder, отец/мать
Tamora Mitchell, дочь родилась 18 сентября, знак зодиака Девы

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