Dondonthegreat Network

Dondonthegreat Network, США, Minnesota

Биография Dondonthegreat

Dondonthegreat Network проживает в городе Minnesota, США. Семейное положение Dondonthegreat: не женат.

Страна: США
Город: Minnesota
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Знак зодиака:
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Dondonthegreat пишет о себе

DonDonTheGreat DonDonTheGreat Dohnavan Duane Moran Male. Born Nov. 2nd, 1991 ([1]), High School Graduate at a High School for the Recording Arts St.Paul, Minnesota, Studied at Saint Paul College. DonDonTheGreat is an Hip-hop artist,a rapper born in Chicago, Illinois, and has lived in Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota, thoroughly representing the Twin Cities. DonDonTheGreat has (multiple/graph) mixtapes including “Still Not Crowned”, “Freestyle (one Take Timmie) "Mixtape”, "MixtapeThis Way” Mixtape When, mixtape (3Days and Nights) (hundreds) of songs and videos as well. DonDon was born a business man, finding out by, starting a school store at the high school he attend (HSRA) he named the Store (DonDon's Great Supermarket) hiring fellow students to work for him, rewarding them with dollar pay and school credit. He was given 22credits for being the first student at (HSRA) being granted with so many credits To Graduate. DonDon is also a song writer, he has written many songs for upcoming artist out of the state of Minnesota, with hits of his own. He is a really good freestyler, being able to come up with rhymes and metaphors in the matter of secs on the spot. DonDon has worked with (MinnesotaColdTv) being a videographer, and Helping shoot videos. DonDon has set a name for himself at an early age. DonDon Releases his top Single songs in 2013-14, “Money Chasin Me” , “Bout Me”, “Better Be Chill” and his most Recent Single Now On ITunes (“No Flex No Flex"). His intriguing verses are ubiquitous which created a global fan base around the world. Working with producers from the (UK) and collaborating with different styles of artist's. DonDonTheGreat has set out a mission to become one of the greatest Mc's to exist in his era of time and supports the state of Minnesota as his home base.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, штат Миннесота, Minnesota.

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Однофамильцы Dondonthegreat Network

Network Anonymous

Украина, Харьков

1 февраля 1990
Network Alfa

Россия, Москва

11 ноября 1992
Network Bresdel

Камерун, Ngaoundéré

22 октября 1983
Network Technology

Россия, Тверь

26 апреля 1986