Bunk Orion

Bunk Orion, США, Orlando

Биография Bunk

Bunk Orion проживает в городе Orlando, США. Родной город - Orlando, Florida, USA. Рожден в год Петуха по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Телец. В настоящий момент Bunk 68 лет, не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, карьере, службе в армии.

Страна: США
Город: Orlando
Родной город: Orlando, Florida, USA
Возраст: 68 лет
Дата рождения: 28 апреля 1957
Знак зодиака: Телец, год Петуха
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Bunk пишет о себе

I am a Professional Acrobatic High Diver with a Guinness Acrobatic World Record ( Quadruple Reverse Somersault, 15 NOV 1982, Ocean Park, Hong Kong ). I also worked High Steel Construction for 10 years ( 1975-1985 ). At age 20, I was the youngest Iron Worker on the construction and remodel of Space Shuttle Launch Pad #1 —( MAY-DEC 1977 )— then being prepared for the very first Space Shuttle ever launched — The Columbia. My father was a rocket scientist for Lockheed Martin for 20 years, and my grandfather worked for Thomas Edison during the early 1900's. I am currently recuperating from a broken leg, but, I plan to fully heal, fully rejuvenate, and then break my own acrobatic world record. I am also getting into real estate, hope to eventually start my own miniature theme park where International tourists and Orlando citizens can comfortably and more productively interact, and which will feature many different venues — including a high dive show, with which I hope to make some big money. I was an Art Major at the University of Florida, and I hope to eventually sell prints of my artwork on the internet. I have a copyright on a very fun chess-like board game that I hope to mass produce and sell in stores — as an actual physical game — and also as a pay-to-play game on the internet in my own custom gaming website — world-wide. I have privately studied and radically experimented with various aspects of nutrition, longevity, rejuvenation, and other related subjects — people sometimes say that I am remarkably well-preserved — and I hope to post more recent photos on this site soon — so you can judge for yourself. My Main Goal — Twenty Years From Now ( 2039 )— is To Be Twenty Years Old Again — and I Believe God is Slowly But Surely Teaching Me How To Do This — Matthew 16:28. I'm half German, half Irish, and 100% Romantic when I'm in Love — which is very rare and usually quite intense. I believe that Pure-Heartedness is The Key To All Good Things — and that people should more often endeavor to re-acquire the Plain and Simple Pure-Heartedness that they were Born With. — I have an intense interest in The Bible, I believe the Jews —( and all Israelites )— are God's chosen people, I believe that all the best and most modern science confirms that the history presented in the Bible is accurate — including the Six Day Creation described in Genesis — and, therefore, I believe that the Bible is literally true — that miracles are possible — and that supernatural events should be eagerly and enthusiastically anticipated each and every day.


Springboard Diving, Acrobatic High Diving, Gymnastics, Writing, Poetry, Art, Architecture, Stop-Motion Animation, Photography, Religion, Zen Archery, Martial Arts, Nutrition, Humanities, Creation Science, Archaeology, Languages, Game Design, Computer Programming, History, Invention, Engineering, Industrial Mass Production, All The Sciences

Среднее образование:

Высшее образование:

Работа и карьера:


World Wide Aquatics, США, Orlando

Professional Acrobatic High Diver

Годы работы: с 1982 по 2019

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Однофамильцы Bunk Orion

Orion Meel

Бразилия, São Paulo

15 мая 1992
Orion Humax

Италия, Roma

1 января 1971
Orion Io

Россия, Москва

21 июня
Orion Franck

Доминиканская Республика, San Felipe de Puerto Plata

7 ноября 1990