Judy Phillips (Slaght)

Judy Phillips (Slaght), США, Port of Kennewick

Биография Judy

Judy Phillips проживает в городе Port of Kennewick, США. Родной город - pasco washington. Девичья фамилия (фамилия до вступления в брак) - Slaght. Рождена в год Быка по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Лев. В настоящий момент Judy 64 года, не замужем. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о карьере, родственниках.

Страна: США
Город: Port of Kennewick
Родной город: pasco washington
Возраст: 64 года
Дата рождения: 15 августа 1961
Знак зодиака: Лев, год Быка
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не замужем

Judy пишет о себе

want to get better with computer and get job doing something .even if sweeping the parking lot at the motel during the summer . i stay at the tahitian motel in pasci i'm a monthly . i had a eveiction from my apt in kennewick for 11/31/2012 i moved in there in sept 5 of 2008 .i left there on nov 5th of 2012 .and went to detox for a crises bed for five day's and then to cullum house in richland washington got a evevition from there in feb 2013 for doing crystal meth .and went to the union gosspel mission in pasco on the womens side . and to the tahitian in march of 2013 to aug of 2013 .then back to the mission for 3 months longest stay is 3 months .then to thunderbird motel in pasco in nov to aug of 2014 .then back to the tahitian motel in aug of 2014 . been alone on christmas since 2003 .but my daughter charlotte was with me in 2008 for christmas . i really don't celebrate holiday's .i buy my easter candy peep's for my self two week's before and eat them , i buy my hollween the month before for my self . i do by christmas cookies two week's before or after christmas and same with all candy . my mom when i was 7 celbrated the jewish holiday's did christmas for my dad and hollween was her favorite to paint the windows donig the holiday's .i love to take a trip to alaska palmer to visit her. she this turned 77 year's old .are take a trip to canada b.c to see my dad he will turn 78 year's old in july . and tell my step mom that saying her name is hard which is judy since my name is also judy .i think my step brothers and sister or jealus of me using the name judy since there mother is judy . i haven't been to one of my family slaght side family reunion since 1969 and they throw one about once a year .since i'm the black sheep of the family my ex husband cooked crank for the bike club members of califorina and arizona and smoked a pound of pot a month . i like to tell my brother jim that i left him once but had to leave the three childern behind with him i hitched hike to califorina from tuscon with truck drivers . to the oakland sadictics club house .my brother ex brother in law took me to the grayhound station and payed for ticket to north bend washington . and the second day my dad showed up and sent me back home on gray hound for living him .but the beatings were getting bad .even a headlock hold for no reason .he screamed at me one night he kill me bury me go dig me up and rekill me for this killing making him kill me in the first place .then walked behind the chair and said he didn't know wqhy he said that in the first place .and asked if we had any body spending the night .and next day rc age 7 1/2 charlotte age 6 1/2 and carol about 1/1/1 .and along with katie there cousin asked me next day if i was dead when i walked in girl's bedroom .as they were talking about killing me for them not trying to stop him and him if he get's in the way and along with the cop's if they found out .and katie was explaing that he didn;t do it that bunch of parents talk that way don't they aunt judy .my mom alway's tell's me and crystal that but dosn't do it . i told them he said he wasn't sure why he said it . and charlotte after she arrived to tri-cites washington has been trying to kill me ever since .if she dose i like her to go to medical lake physic center .not to belluve hostpital .she would this curl up like a baby .it's why kid's kill and try any way to kill there parent are sibling's fearing there dad .a small child up 13 dosn't understand are even older .special if the person leaves at that time and not come back for about a year are longer . but im fiiting into the shoe's of who i became not the same person as i was then in 1992-1993 . carol ann won't know who i'm if we see each other again since is been 16 year's since i seen her and rc last again .charlotte was 15 when she came to move in with me .and the last t


using computer, latch hook rug kit's, doing jig saw puzzles .using jig saw zone on computer .playing tetris on computer and match 3 games hidden object games . word search puzzelslicense plate word search puzzels number's word search puzzels . fill in puzzels . and my family trying to find them and get united again downloading mp3 to cd-roms .and using webcam special effect shot's from chrome web store app and the app games .and web cam special effect photos off of yahoo, google, msn, bing, ask, tovie and many more search engines . google earth and love downloading free softtware .


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, штат Вашингтон, Port of Kennewick.

Работа и карьера:


dream limolesene, США, Oakland

detaling limo's

Годы работы: с 1983 по 1984

Найти коллег


Carol Ann, сын/дочь
Charlotte Rae, сын/дочь
Cilff Slaght, брат/сестра
Cory, внук/внучка
Crystal Slaght, брат/сестра
Denny Judy, отец/мать
Dorothy Rae, отец/мать
Edward Slaght, брат/сестра
Jim Slaght, брат/сестра
Joey Russell, внук/внучка
Mark Reece, брат/сестра
Odette Reece, брат/сестра
Paul Slaght, брат/сестра
Rc Phillips, сын/дочь
Teresa Pilgrim, брат/сестра

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Однофамильцы Judy Phillips

Phillips Travor

США, Sandy Shores

14 сентября 1971
Phillips Cameron

Россия, Москва

22 июня 1998
Phillips Trevor

США, Los Angeles

21 февраля 1987
Phillips Andrew

Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Dubai

14 октября 1997