Biosna Pl, Польша, Łódź

Биография Biosna

Biosna Pl проживает в городе Łódź, Польша. Рождена в год Обезъяны по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Овен. В настоящий момент Biosna 45 лет. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем образовании.

Страна: Польша
Город: Łódź
Родной город:
Возраст: 45 лет
Дата рождения: 25 марта 1980
Знак зодиака: Овен, год Обезъяны
Семейное положение:

Biosna пишет о себе

Opening the Biosna store, I wanted to give people like me the opportunity to choose organic cosmetics of the highest quality while taking care of themselves daily. There are many products on the market that claim to be called natural. The words "eco", "bio", "organic" often appear on the packaging in bold, but unfortunately it is not always confirmed by the composition, written in small letters after the INCI slogan. Well, that a small percentage of this composition is a raw material of organic origin, if the vast majority of ingredients is pure chemistry, and the password used is just a marketing gimmick. Meanwhile, according to certification bodies, of which the best-known ones are ECOCERT, BDIH, Soil Association or USDA Organic, a real natural cosmetic can have up to 5% of synthetic raw materials, strictly defined, not controversial in terms of the impact on our health or skin. We accept many harmful ingredients by eating highly processed foods. In addition, through many cosmetics, we "pat" a lot of harmful chemistry. All this life is accumulating this huge amount. In Biosna you will find brands of eco-cosmetics available only here. Many of them were previously unknown to Polish consumers, but have international prestige and are appreciated by numerous prizes. Often, they are also chosen by showbiz stars. We do not sell brands if we do not know them ourselves or we do not believe them. The vast majority of products available in Biosna, therefore, was first tested personally by our team. Thus, we facilitate and access to your favorite, tested biocosmetics. Biosna is a place for women (and not only) who know that nature is the real source of beauty. We want to reach conscious customers who read the labels before buying the product. Organic cosmetics work great, smell great, are beautifully packaged. Their use is pure pleasure. I did not want to look for my beloved brands of natural cosmetics somewhere far in the world and you do not have to. I created this place for myself and for you. Shop: Blog:


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Польша, Лодзинское воеводство, Łódź.

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Однофамильцы Biosna Pl

Pl Valentina

Италия, Venezia

16 октября 1999
Pl Ulyana

Украина, Львов

20 июня 1988
Pl Przescieradla

Польша, Łódź

10 мая 1981
Pl Max

Казахстан, Караганда

10 февраля 1993