Girts Poznaky

Girts Poznaky, Ирландия, Dundalk

Биография Girts

Girts Poznaky проживает в городе Dundalk, Ирландия. Родной город - Ireland. Рожден в год Змеи по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Овен. В настоящий момент Girts 36 лет. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании.

Страна: Ирландия
Город: Dundalk
Родной город: Ireland
Возраст: 36 лет
Дата рождения: 21 марта 1989
Знак зодиака: Овен, год Змеи
Семейное положение:

Girts пишет о себе

Let's face it, I don't live the life of a rock-star or famous athlete ... but those guys are always getting caught cheating on their wives, so why would I want to live that life? It sure would make writing this more entertaining, and reading it would be much more fun too. I could tell you about all the exotic cities and expensive hotels I've stayed at while being on tour. All the parties, clubs, alcohol and drugs ... it would make for a much more interesting read. Maybe the rock-star lifestyle would be fun, but I don't want to live that life and a girl that's looking for that is not for me. While my story might be Rolling Stone worthy, I do work hard, pay my bills, enjoy the company of my friends & family ... while enjoying myself like I was a rock-star on tour. Family and friends are most important to me in life. I've learned that money and opportunities come and go, but your friends and family are always there to help you when you need it. I hope one day I can pass down those qualities to a family of my own, and it's why I work so hard today. I fully don't expect you to message me, I guess if I was getting 20 or 30 messages a day from people I wouldn't have to. Unfortunately real, honest guys like me often get passed over because we don't stand out among the hundreds on here trying to find a date by auto-blasting e-mails they have stored up on a hard drive. But if you're one of the few that are reading this to actually meet someone you like, here are some of the things that make me unique;


Both men and women love to eat, and few things can be as alluring as being able to tantalize the taste buds. Seeing (and smelling) a talented chef in action can be like watching an artist painting a masterpiece. If you are a guy, throwing off the traditional gender role stereotypes associated with cooking can show you are worldly, open-minded and secure. Also, given the amount of preparation and planning involved for many dishes, preparing a special meal for your lady can show her how much she means to you. Ladies, there’s a reason they say that “a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Plus, why not make dessert an interlude to what’s to come later on in the night? Bring out the romance with chocolate covered strawberries or even a fondue.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Ирландия, Ленстер, Dundalk.

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