Кларити Романова

Кларити Романова, США, Equestrian Estates

Биография Кларити

Кларити Романова проживает в городе Equestrian Estates, США. Родной город - Понивилль. Рождена в год Обезъяны по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Рыбы. В настоящий момент Кларити 21 год. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о карьере.

Страна: США
Город: Equestrian Estates
Родной город: Понивилль
Возраст: 21 год
Дата рождения: 3 марта 2004
Знак зодиака: Рыбы, год Обезъяны
Семейное положение:

Кларити пишет о себе

Whirlwind is a tomboyish mare and is actually A LOT like Prism. She shares his laziness but she does tend to try a little harder when it comes to something she really likes. For example, she would really like to be a Wonderbolt. She thinks that it'd be cool to fly for a living. Whenever she has a chance to show off a little to some Wonderbolts, she takes it. She looks up to Prism's parents and often states that she's jealous of the resource he has. She also gets upset when he insults the Wonderbolts and says being one is a waste of time. Though Whirlwind shows off to them, she has never actually attempted to be a Wonderbolt. She is afraid of rejection so she doesn't try at all. She shows off in hopes of someone recruiting her so she knows that she's good enough. That being said, it is safe to say that she is not much of a risk taker. When she's not obsessing over Wonderbolts, she's often found sleeping on a cloud. She gets bored easily. When she gets REALLY bored she actually practices flying. She specializes in doing tricks and flips in the air. However, she lacks speed which is one reason she feels discouraged about trying out to be a Wonderbolt. Whirlwind loves having fun with friends and usually spends time with her pegasi friends or Prism.


She also spends time with Icy Storm. Nopony really knows why. She doesn't even know why. It's rather unusual being that they have quite a large age gap between them. She doesn't know that Icy has little crush on her. Even though she has no clue, she enjoys the time they spend together. He too likes the a Wonderbolts (probably because she does) and they both obsess over them. He also goes flying with her when Prism is feeling to lazy to.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Equestrian Estates.

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Однофамильцы Кларити Романовой

Романова Настя

Россия, Барнаул

16 июля
Романов Лёня

Россия, Орехово-Зуево

21 декабря 2000
Романов Алексей

Россия, Москва

17 марта 1929
Романов Максим

Россия, Курск

14 августа 2001