Victor Sayegh

Victor Sayegh, США, Michigantown

Биография Victor

Victor Sayegh проживает в городе Michigantown, США. Родной город - Sporting Lisbon Portugal. Рожден в год Дракона по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Телец. В настоящий момент Victor 61 год. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании, карьере.

Страна: США
Город: Michigantown
Родной город: Sporting Lisbon Portugal
Возраст: 61 год
Дата рождения: 5 мая 1964
Знак зодиака: Телец, год Дракона
Семейное положение:

Victor пишет о себе

I consider myself to be a leader of people because I do not like to be a follower. I gravitate to the center of attention and I am pretty good at persuading others to follow me. I enjoy activities that involve other people. I have a good heart,am a gentle guy with a a beautiful personality..I always like helping Others cos it's due to my generosity that's why GOD is helping me and my Family..I always like giving Cos am a giver and not a Taker..I'm a man of my words and my words abide me with my bonds My biggest passion in life is to continue to transform myself to be what I believe God has designed me to be and help others to do the same. I would describe myself as sensitive, warm heated, somewhat intellectual, creative and strong minded also never give up in achieving his goals.100% ME 100% TRUE I am a Gentle,humble,Confident,Romantic,Nice,Sense of humor,Truth fullness,Compassionate,Trustworthy and Obedient someone I'm a decent, caring, guy.. I'm very easy going and friendly,but somewhat shy at first. i love getting together with family. Am a Very out going person,sincere,honest,truthful and willing to give everyone a fair chance to a good relationship and am willing to give it a try again. i have Been hurt to many times and want to go slow to see what will happen in Gods time. So maybe she is out there. I work hard and love doing things for other people. My best feature is my smile,My most outstanding talent is ability to give,My closest friends describe me as loyal,My greatest guilty pleasure is chocolate,My main goals in life are to live life with no regrets....Am a man of my words and my words are my Bonds..Nature will Clearly reveal itself if Only we Appreciate it!!!! Am a man who will communicate with lad,Listen when she talk. Talk with her and share thoughts and feelings together. Am a sincere Christian,A spiritual partner. Am a good lover. . A man who will share kisses, hugs, cuddles, and fabulous love-making with a lady i love on a regular basis. One whose touch I crave and who craves my touch. One who will tell me of his love every day. Am a good dad for my children,father-figure who will play with them and discipline them. Am man with good hygiene. One who brushes his teeth and showers regularly and takes care of myself. Am man who isn't addicted to anything that would take him away from our family.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Индиана, Michigantown.

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Однофамильцы Victor Sayegh

Sayegh Toni

Казахстан, Астана

21 февраля 1975
Sayegh Niran

Украина, Харьков

13 февраля 1996
Sayegh Maen

Ливан, Beirut

1 сентября 1993
Sayegh Houssein

Ливан, Beirut

15 апреля 2000