Michael Steffen

Michael Steffen

Биография Michael

Родной город - Palm Beach, Florida. Рожден в год Крысы по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Рыбы. В настоящий момент Michael 41 год, не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, службе в армии.

Родной город: Palm Beach, Florida
Возраст: 41 год
Дата рождения: 19 марта 1984
Знак зодиака: Рыбы, год Крысы
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Michael пишет о себе

I like to see my self as a True Gentleman; I take more interests in others than in myself and truly do cae what you have to say and your view on a certain topic. I love meeting and learning about people, I have been told I am somewhat of a Renaissance Man because I posses both Street and Academic Intelligence along with having some skill in multiple subjects and areas. Also, a Hopeless Romantic I'm quick witted and intelligent, i'm either called an Asshole or thanked for saying what's on everyone else's mind. I'm independent and Logical because I have been all over the world and do respect and love that I was born in a country where our dogs eat better than the majority of the world. I have been shot at more times than I can count and have been shot, so much like most of the philosophers throughout time War gives you the perspective on the world that you wish everyone else had, especially within the human condition. I've lived in Europe for a number of years and miss it everyday. I can be either the Best Friend you have ever had or the Most Ruthless Black Hearted Bastard that has ever existed.


Obtaining Knowledge/Research; To better explain, I love knowing things, every and anything. I don't try and act or pretend I know everything because that's ridiculous intellectually and socially. But, I do want to try and know a little about as much as I can. Conversations/Debating; today being a conversationalist is on the path of the dinosaurs. people can barely speak without a device in front of them so having heated arguments even intellectual talks is almost non-existent. I also like the basics; going out with friends etc.

Среднее образование:

Высшее образование:


University of North Florida, США, Jacksonville

Факультет: College of Arts & Sciences

Кафедра: History

Статус: Выпускник (бакалавр), Очное отделение

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Однофамильцы Michael Steffen

Steffen Lucas

Китай, Dongguan

27 июня 1989
Steffen Simon

Швейцария, Luzern

17 сентября 1976
Steffen Steffen

Германия, Leipzig

18 мая 1965
Steffen Andriele

Бразилия, Lages

16 мая 2000